Iron Man – My Journey

Through Heaven And Hell

With Black Sabbath

Over 50 hours of one-on-one interviews with Tony Iommi led to transcripts totaling a half a million words. A year of careful editing of all those words brought us Iron Man, the honest, straight from the heart life story of the Heavy Metal legend. Ghost written by TJ Lammers, using only Tony’s very own words, it’s a story of overcoming adversity in order to reach impossible goals. Tony cut off two fingertips but persevered in his quest to become one of the world’s greatest guitar player. He dealt with drugs, wild band members, crooked managements, ghosts and angels, wild mobs, murder attempts, imprisonment and Michael Bolton nearly joining the band.

Tony Iommi on Iron Man ( Guitar World magazine): "I had a chap called TJ Lammers, who I met many, many years ago when he used to work at Phonogram Records.He later became a journalist and he had his own magazine. He lives in Holland and we've stayed in touch over the years. I've had a few people say, 'Oh, I can write a book for you,' but I wanted a different outlook to the normal music journalist, and that's what happened. He came over to England and stayed with me for a few days. Then he'd write it up, come back again and do more. The whole thing took a couple years to finish."
Vanbasten6247 (Blabbermouth reader): “Finished reading it yesterday. One of the best bios I've ever read, full of cool facts and stories. Iommi is a total class act, down to earth, very humble considering his legend status; just a great person.”

B. Craig (Amazon reader): “I really enjoyed this book. I finished it the same day I got it. It gives you an insight into the personality of one of the few truly original musicians in rock. Full of great anecdotes which will make you laugh. A good fun read.”

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In progress

TJ Lammers is currently working on a book on ‘Nederrock’, Dutch Rock music from 1960 ‘till now, to be published in Holland in the spring of 2012.